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Plant a Tree - Grow a School

Future Forests
West Cork Sdubury School has teamed up with Future Forests garden centre.
Our mission is to reforest small pockets of native Irish woodland and raise funds for our school. These woodlands will become arks for wildlife, be left to grow for posterity and do all the amazing things that trees and woodlands do.
For as little as €10, you can take part in this inspiring project - plant a native tree, help the environment and directly support self-directed, democratic learning at West Cork Sudbury School.
Thank you - and Welcome!

Be Part of the Future

“If what I say resonates with you, it is merely because we are both branches on the same tree.
~ W. B. Yeats

We are planting and planning for the future - help us to plant native Irish trees and take part in supporting both our future biodiversity and our growing school.


When you plant a tree with West Cork Sudbury School, all you have to do is make a donation - the school's students and staff will plant your tree for you in newly managed areas in West Cork where the landscape was once thick with woodland.

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Plant a Tree

“When we plant a tree, we plant hope.”
~ Wangari Maathai

We are passionate about the environment

- and planting hope. 

Our trees, which are fully donated by Future Forests Garden Centre, will be hand-picked to suit each planting site - all native species, in as diverse a range as possible.

These trees will be left to grow for posterity. Your trees will become part of a network of diverse woodlands, and havens for wildlife.

Arks to support all life.

Grow a School

“Education is only a ladder to gather fruit from the tree of knowledge,
not the fruit itself.”
~ Albert Einstein

Guided by the principles of play-based and experiential learning, WCSS empowers students to steer their own education.
Our students are immersed in an inspiring educational community of motivated learners with access to cultural tools, respectful mentors, and the freedom to make choices. In such an environment, it doesn’t take long for curiosity to spark!

The Sudbury model celebrates the innate curiosity of every learner where instead of being taught, students learn how to learn.


In an era where soft skills take centre stage in the workforce, our students excel in communication, critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving. By directing their own education they cultivate confidence and self-initiative as well as the skills to navigate conflicts and participate as members in a democratic community.


Be Part of the Future

Simply decide how many trees you would like to plant, make your donation and click on the link provided in your confirmation email to receive your eCertificate.
The school's students and staff will plant your tree for you in a newly managed area in West Cork where the landscape was once thick with woodland.



What better gift than a warm promise of growth, renewal and hope for the future? It's easy! Simply decide how many trees you want to plant, make your donation and click on the link provided in your confirmation email to fill in your friend's name in the form. Their eCertificate will be emailed to you and you can forward it to them with your personal message.
Keep Planting

With a monthly subscription of €20, 25 trees will be planted for you during the bareroot season (Nov-Mar). The equivalent of 2 trees a month plus one bonus tree. With your donation, WCSS will plant the trees for you.
All proceeds are in aid of WCSS and Ireland's re-forestation. You are helping WCSS and the environment.



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Plant a Tree

About Our Trees

Why Plant More Trees?

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Sources: Trees for Life

                 Tree People


  • Help prevent the climate crisis - Excess carbon dioxide (CO2) is building up in our atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the same amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles.

  • Providing oxygen - ​In one year an acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people.

  • Trees clean the air we breathe - Trees absorb odours and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.

What are We Planting?

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Common Alder (Fearnóg)

One of Ireland's most widely distributed trees, often found in damp boggy areas and along river banks. Like most broad-leaved trees, Alnus glutinosa flowers before the leaves are out with attractive long reddish catkins appearing as early as January. The female flowers produce small cones, and these can stay on the tree all winter.
The timber has been used in building bridges & underwater foundations, for smoking foods, for joinery, turning and carving and it also makes good firewood. 
The common alder provides food and shelter to wildlife, with a number of insects, lichens and fungi being completely dependent on the tree. Also a very good soil-enhancing tree due to its nitrogen-fixing capabilities.

Alnus glutinosa is fast growing, tolerant of very wet and very poor soils and very tolerant of wind - one of our most robust native trees.

Where are We Planting?

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Coomhola Valley


Someone once said,  'Start where you are,' and that is what we have done. 

Our first tree site is located in the Coomhola valley not far from the school. The proximity of the school means the students will be easily able to participate in the tree planting.

Tucked under the Caha mountains, the valley receives high rainfall and trees grow well.

Downey Birch, Willow, Rowan and Alder naturally abound here - Holly, Scots Pine and Oak are also prevalent. 

Thank you to the following organisations
for their input to our information:

  • Trees for Life - rewilding the Scottish Highlands by enabling the restoration of the globally unique Caledonian Forest.
  • Tree People - Tree People’s mission is to inspire, engage and support people to take personal responsibility for the urban environment, making it safe, healthy, fun and sustainable and to share our process as a model for the world.


Grow A School

Grow A School

West Cork Sudbury School


WCSS is a Democratic School of Self-Directed Learning - part of a movement towards a very different model of education, where students have an equal part in the democratic running of the school itself and where they decide what, when and how they learn.

We hope that the Plant a Tree - Grow a School initiative will give you a tangible option to help the Irish environment and support our growing school.

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The Plant a Tree - Grow a School initiative was conceived of and initiated during the weekly school meetings which  involve all students and staff - and it will continue to evolve in the same process.

The Process - How Everyone is involved:


Our Partners
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Who We Are

We are a family run business with a passion for growing and our environment, and one of the leading mail order plant providers in Ireland. With our roots firmly planted in the wilds of West Cork we have been inspired to work alongside our unique environmental heritage to evolve an ethical business where our values and ethos lead the way.

From humble beginnings 30 years ago we have been pioneering the gardens, orchards and woodlands of the future, developing to a committed, experienced team.

With years of business expertise behind us we have established strong relationships with growers and suppliers in Ireland and beyond.As our name suggests, the future is important to us. As growers, educators and innovators we believe we have the responsibility to protect and ensure the future of our diverse landscape and environment. Our intention is to leave a legacy that our future ancestors will be proud of. We’d love to support you to do so too.

Mattie & Maria

  • What is a Sudbury School?
    The first Sudbury School, the Sudbury Valley School, was founded in 1968 in Framingham, Massachussettes in the Sudbury Valley, by a college professor named Daniel Greenberg; who was troubled by his students lack of self-motivation. There are two Sudbury Schools already established in Ireland. Wicklow Democratic School has been running since September 2016 and Sligo Sudbury School has been open since September 2018. There are many other start-up groups hoping to open across the country. See for more information. Please bare in mind that no two Sudbury schools are the same! But generally speaking, Sudbury schools are based on (or follow the philosophy of) self-directed learning, freedom, responsibility, democratic principles and allow for free age-mixing. Sudbury schools do not follow a national curriculum and are usually for ages 5-18 years old. The students and staff have an equal say in the rules and regulations of the school and as to what happens in any given day. These rules are made in a weekly meeting. At WCSS we use the word agreement rather than rule to point out that the community came to an agreement rather than a rule was imposed. Sudbury schools work on trust and believe that each individual learns according to their own unique capabilities. At Sudbury, instead of teachers, there is ‘staff’ which support and enable the students to explore their own learning process and to connect and engage with the community. Click the link for a video on self-directed learning.
  • Why democratic?
    A democratic process of running a school, allows all those involved, to be a part of its success and to experience the empowerment of being heard and taken seriously. A democratic school environment protects the rights of all individuals in the school, empowers those involved and fosters a sense of purpose, belonging and competence. The Sudbury environment allows students the realisation of their talents and potential, and also cultivates leadership, problem-solving, goal setting, and self-responsibility.
  • Is there a curriculum?
    No. The Sudbury model is completely student-led and based on self-directed learning. Staff are there to support the students in their undertakings and learning-processes, respecting their needs for time, structure and involvement.
  • What ages can attend?
    Children from 5 to 18 can attend West Cork Sudbury School. There are no grade or class levels. Older and younger students mix in any way that makes sense for them, often around shared interests. Through free age-mixing, young people's compassion and patience are challenged and developed. It also opens up room for flexible thinking and unique learning opportunities.
  • How will children know what they like if they are not exposed to it (with classes, etc.)?"
    We live in the information age, where knowledge is available at your fingertips. For this reason, when you can follow your interests exposure is not an issue. Furthermore, because students are free to explore and interact with students and adults of all ages all day long, they are exposed to a wide variety of topics, more than they would typically get in an environment where only one person is delivering the curriculum. Students in Sudbury schools don’t look at learning as a set of fixed subjects to be mastered. Instead they follow their curiosities and interests, which are not limited to a curriculum. Please, also see our recommended resources for more information on that topic.
  • How do children learn if there is no curriculum, and no one tells them what to do or learn?"
    We believe everyone has unique abilities, instincs and self-determination which will be nurtured, supported and respected in our school. We believe students will flourish when given the space, resources and support to follow their passions at their own pace and in their own unique way. We believe children and teenagers should have the freedom to make choices, with an understanding of the responsibilities that this entails. That way they take ownership of their education, enabling them to become engaged, conscious and self-motivated members of their communities. In a world of accelerated change alternative models to traditional schooling are becoming more important and demanded. Our community will provide your child with the time and space to get back in touch with their own desire to learn without being told to do so. Sudbury schools foster a students’s internal motivation, which is a much more powerful driver to learning than external motivation.
  • What if my child spends all day on the screens?
    The Sudbury model involves trusting the individual’s process to learn and to self-regulate. It creates a community where needs are met; the need for social connection, inclusion and acceptance, trust, and having our voices exercised and heard on a regular basis. Sudbury schools create an environment where self-responsibility is learned. In taking an active part in their community students will experience that their actions matter. Furthermore, computers and gaming are very social activities in a community in which students engage with each other, learn from each other, and constantly problem-solve together. Your child might spend all day on the screens, but Sudbury school students who gravitate towards screens seem to do so socially and seem to just have a knack for technology. They are learning. And they will see what is going on around them and they will have time to reflect on what they want for themselves in life. Keep in mind that a lot of jobs being advertised today did not exist ten years ago, and who knows what is ahead another ten years down the road, and computers play a vital role in this. Please, also see our recommended resources for more information on that topic.
  • What if my child just wants to play all day?
    “Play is the highest form of research.” - Albert Einstein We believe in the importance of play, and that through free age-mixing students may develop social skills. Most children show an intense need to play in their earliest years of development, at a time when they are learning the most, and at the fastest rate, than at any other point in their life. Not only do children make meaning and construct models of the world through play, they also practice their physical, intellectual, social, and emotional skills. Students at Sudbury schools spend a lot of time playing. A common misconception is that play is mindless activity; It is not! Curiosity and play propel each other, they both involve exploration of the unknown. The means by which people advance is through investigation and manipulation of that which is not yet known and as such play is key to a human’s learning and understanding of their world. Peter Gray (Ph.D.) is an evolutionary psychologist who's child was a student at the original Sudbury Valley School, where he became very interested in the importance of play and has since done extensive research on this topic. For more info see: Play is Education & our Blog Please, also see our recommended resources for more information on that topic.
  • What will membership dues be?
    We gave our membership dues a lot of thought and tried our best to make it as fair and accessible as possible. In a continuous effort to achieve the following, our membership dues are based on every family's Gross Household Income (GHI): Accessibility: Make it accessible to families of all incomes to send their children to WCSS. Our Membership Dues work on an equitable approach and are therefore based on every familiy’s GHI. Where possible we will offer further subsidies through our Solidarity Fund and/or Membership Dues Assistance Programme. Family-friendly: We have introduced a family rate of 20% of a family's GHI, regardless of how many children a family wishes to enrol. If you need further assistance with sibling placements, please apply to WCSS's Membership Dues Assistance Programme (see below). Sustainability: Ensure the financial viability of the school given that WCSS does not receive funding through the Department of Education & Skills or any other state funding. For detailed information, please see Membership.
  • Will there be a part time option? (Membership Dues)
    We are delighted to be able to offer 5 part-time placements starting September 2021. Please contact us about this if you are interested. For more information, please see the question about part time Attendance (Can my child attend part time?).
  • Can my child sit the leaving cert?
    A student can sit the leaving certificate outside of the school if they wish to. When it comes time to sit formal exams, arrangements can be made through Education and Training Boards (ETBs) or adult education classes. Junior and Leaving Certificate examinations can also be sat at any school by registering with the school in early January of the year that the exams will be taken. Further information is available from the State Examinations Commission.
  • Progression to College
    Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) supports learners at each stage of their learning journey, whether by issuing and replacing QQI Award certificates, verifying existing qualifications such as FETAC or HETAC awards, or advising on the move to higher education. You can find info on the NFQ system here. Level 5 will grant you access to College. The Central Applications Office (CAO) processes applications for undergraduate courses in Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Leaving Cert Application/Courses through CAO here. Mature Student (age 23) Application through CAO here. Also have a look at the FAQ re Leaving Cert! Other Options: Youth Reach - Vocational Education & Training Apprenticeships are an option as well - See for more information! Open University - which can also be accessed during Sudbury in which case you might be leaving Sudbury already with a degree! Whatever way you choose, be assured that WCSS will support every learner on their journey to what comes after - may that be College or a different path!
  • When did West Cork Sudbury School open?
    With the help of our pioneers, and the hard and enduring work of our founders, we are excited to announce that WCSS has opened its doors in September 2020!
  • Are Sudbury Schools legal in Ireland?
    Our friends from Wicklow Democratic School have looked into this question and taken advice from legal experts. The Irish legal landscape is very favourable to setting up a Sudbury school model. For a fuller explanation see this page.
  • Where is West Cork Sudbury School located?
    WCSS has found a home in beautiful Coomhola, West Cork. Our building is spacious and bright with lots of rooms to explore different interests, relax and connect with others. Our building is surrounded by lawns, an orchard, forestry and different bodies of water. The outside space also includes a basketball and tennis court as well as a covered area to use tools, play table tennis, skateboard, practise circus skills and so much more!
  • Can my child attend part time? (Attendance)
    We would like to support your family's needs so you may avail of WCSS. We understand that for some of you distance to and from school may be an issue; or some may have specific ideas of what is best in regards to school attendance. Whatever the issue may be we would encourage every WCSS student to be present 3 days per week and especially during the weekly school meetings as this is where rules for the community are made; issues are brought up, discussed and voted upon; and where valuable lifetime learning can take place. We would also like you to keep in mind, the integrity of the community when you are deciding about attendance. Membership Dues will be unchanging whether your child/ young person attends full- or part-time. Please visit our Membership & Enrolment pages for more information!
  • Why don’t you have teachers? What is the role of staff?
    The adults at West Cork Sudbury School choose not to call themselves teachers because everyone and everything is a potential teacher. We do, however, recognise our special role in the community. Some of us are generalists, some of us are specialists. Our contribution will be reviewed by the school community on a yearly basis. Staff is evaluated for eache's unique combination of who we are and the expertise that we can bring to the community. Staff members are ultimately responsible for the administration and smooth functioning of the school. On a day-to-day basis, a staff member's focus will be on holding space in which students can be free within the boundaries of safety and respect. Staff members will always be available to help students if and when they ask and to ensure a safe environment.

And Finally


Thank You for Joining Us!

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